What Is Rhino Shield Made Of?
Among industry professionals and customers alike, Rhino Shield ceramic wall coatings are recognized as a superior alternative to paint. Rhino Shield coatings outperform ordinary exterior paint by every meaningful measure, offering better durability, longevity, and thermal insulation. To understand how Rhino Shield exterior coatings work so well, simply consider the high-performance ingredients they are made of.
Ceramics Make All the Difference
The goal in creating Rhino Shield wall coatings was to give customers a longer-lasting option for their residential and commercial painting projects. So, clearly the way to accomplish this goal was to include ceramics in the coatings.
Ceramic microspheres were originally developed by the predecessor to NASA. These tiny ceramic spheres boast remarkable strength, as well as superior heat and UV ray resistance. One notable quality of ceramic microspheres is that they are irregularly sized and shaped, which allows them to pack together tightly and form a robust layer of protection on your home or business’s exterior walls.
Other High-Performance Ingredients
The uniqueness of Rhino Shield’s exterior wall coatings goes beyond their ceramic microspheres. In general, our coatings stand out for containing an exceptionally large amount of solids (twice the amount found in ordinary wall paint). Because they include such a substantial solids content, Rhino Shield coatings end up approximately eight times thicker than an ordinary coat of paint.
Among these additional ingredients is a three-part mold, mildew, and algae additive, which will prevent these unsightly organisms from growing on your home or business’s exterior walls and damaging them.
Interested in learning more about what Rhino Shield is made of and how you can benefit from our residential and commercial painting services? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and receive a price quote.